Joseph Bible Study – Lessons/Character Study

The story of Joseph is the story of a boy who was loved and favoured by both his father and God. Out of 12 sons born to Jacob, Joseph was Jacob’s favourite and this was evident to everyone around them. Jacob loved Joseph so much that he made him a coat of many colours, a beautiful gesture that wasn’t extended to his brothers. Not long after this, Joseph started receiving dreams from God that depicted how great his future would be. In those dreams, his brothers and parents would bow before him and when Joseph started sharing these dreams with his family, they weren’t received well. Jealous and furious, his brothers sold him to slave traders who took him to Egypt where he had a series of role to play. From chief administrator of Potiphar’s house, to being wrongly imprisoned, to then being the head prisoner, dream interpreter and eventually the second most powerful man in all of Egypt, Joseph’s life was full of long-suffering. Here are some powerful lessons and observations from the story of Joseph.  

1. There’s purpose in the pain. God might need to work on your character before he takes you where he has promised. Joseph was prideful. He didn’t need to share those dreams God gave him. In fact, it was no secret that his brothers disliked him so he didn’t share those dreams to confide in them. He shared them to brag about how favoured he was. This prideful character was something God needed to strip off him before making him the second in command of a large nation. Imagine the damage pride and power could do. God had to teach him to be humble.  

2. Faithfulness in the face of adversity. Joseph probably wouldn’t have ended up in prison if he had given in and slept with Potiphar’s wife but he couldn’t bring himself to sin against God (Genesis 39:9). Although, he was probably disappointed. His righteousness and devotion to God had landed him in trouble but even then, he didn’t turn away from God. God took note of Joseph’s devotion and was good to him. Even in his lowest moments, Joseph found favour and everything he did prospered (Genesis 39:23).  In this life filled with corruption, greed, wickedness and immorality, being devoted to God won’t always be an easy journey but God sees you.

Galatians 6:9 ~ So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.  

3. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I’m sure Joseph struggled to see how he would be great whilst rotting away in prison. The highest position he had held at that point was being the overseer of an official’s house. Joseph’s story shows us that God can make anything possible at any point. Your life can still be beautiful no matter what it looks like now. God can restore you.

4. Use the gifts God has given you. Joseph’s use of his gift to interpret dreams was part of the process of his elevation (Genesis 41:12-14).  

5. Forgiveness sets you free. After Jacob’s death, Joseph’s brothers were scared he still hadn’t forgiven them but Joseph spoke kindly to them and reassured them (Genesis 50:15, 21). He could finally see that the journey was necessary and his willingness to let it all go brought peace and unity within the family. It meant that Joseph’s calling to lead his entire family to prosperity could flourish. He as a person could flourish and live a peaceful life. Going down a path of vengeance would have torn him and the family apart because he clearly loved them despite everything.  

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